Month 1 went really well! I cheated a few times and took some liberties, but it really taught us (me) about how little we need to survive and how to enjoy the basics. It helped to hit home about, "Eat to live, don't live to eat."
Well, as usual life got in the way, and I blew off the rest of the plan. However, I've noticed myself spending more and more time on my phone when I should be playing with my daughter. I picked the book back up to read the chapter about a month without technology, but fell in love with the chapter on belongings.
So my goal for December is to give away 7 things a day. This is not going to be easy, only because I had a massive garage sale/freeby Craigslist giveaway about a month and a half ago. I sorted, decluttered, and cleaned out my whole house. So now, I'm going through things I already sorted through and picking things to get rid of. A few things I've sold, but it's going to be 90% charity.
I've found that the less we have, the cleaner my house is, and the cleaner my house is, the happier I am. I don't need all these possessions to make me happy, and what better time of year to focus on family rather than belongings?
Happy Holidays!
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