Hey hey hey! I'm feeling energetic. Energetic enough to blog! I have been working for my money lately. I'm not complaining, I love the challenge, but it does keep me from internet-ing as often as I used to.
I had a pretty awesome birthday!! It *SNOWED* real snow in Austin, Texas on MY birthday! It was pretty awesome. Did I already say awesome?

I got into a fender bender and my poor car isn't drivable :-( The guy's insurance took two weeks just to get someone on the phone! In the mean time, I've had to drive Chris's car, which is not as much fun as it sounds. Mostly it's just a lot of work and very stressful. I will definitely appreciate my car and never complain about it again when I get it back! Maybe ... enough to name her (see where I went there? I like my car enough to assign her a gender)?

You'd think such a powerful (i.e. very loud engined) car would be male. However, no ... she's definitely female. Aaaaah, I cannot wait to drive an automatic again! And I can't wait to be able to take my dogs somewhere. I can't wait to not have to worry about my jeans staining the white leather in Chris's car. I just can't wait!
I've had Bandit for FOUR YEARS as of March 3! I cannot believe it. I am so in love with that dog. So much so ... I realized that he was sitting on the sofa and I was sitting on the floor. What's up with that?

First, that last picture of Bandit? Cute (I almost typed cuper--which would be a word made from super cute, obv).
And your jeans stain white leather?! seriously!??
Well thank you!
And I tried to buy cheap jeans and it turned out to be a bad idea.
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