(Sorry the pictures aren't fancy ... it's because I don't have an iPhone yet)
4. We had a party for New Years Eve and it was more like a frat party than a normal party. I think it will be a long time before we have another party. Probably until my friends, who are all right around 30, can stop acting like terrors. Things that got broken:
Dead bolt to the back door (don't try to come kill me, it still locks)
Not one, but two toilets
My favorite bookshelf
A necklace
A bowl
And someone stole my husband's blood pressure medicine. I hope they have a stroke.
5. I found that Lavender scented Clorox wipes still don't smell all that good.
6. Someone left a bag of Panera goodies as a hostess gift. Mmmm I wish I didn't know how much I like Panera now since there's one near my house.
7. I spent all day Friday, January 1 -literally- in bed. I think my husband ventured downstairs to get food twice, but otherwise we rolled around in bed and watched movies. It was the best New Years ever!
8. Did I mention I'm getting an iPHONE?!
9. Saturday night we went to Stubb's to see Black Bone Child play. They rocked. We had fun. I tried to talk my husband into letting me ride the mechanical bull at this new bar. Sunday, I had the second worst hangover of my life. (Come on ... in what other condition did you think I'd want to ride a mechanical bull in front of a couple hundred people?)
10. Can I get away with making another point about the iPhone?! Can you tell I'm excited? I need app recs!
Best 10 Things EVER!!!
I do not think you'll want to blog from your iPhone. No matter how cool an iPhone is, it is not fun to type a lot of stuff from the keyboard. It'll try to get you to use its words and its words are WRONG.
I really didn't want to know about you and your husband "rolling around in bed", but thanks for the mental picture.
Who the hell did you invite to your party!? I'd be calling everyone up and telling them I've got the police on the way to their house to retrieve my stolen blood pressure machine! And who the hell steals a blood pressure machine!?
Happy 2010!
The only app rec I will give you is "words with friends." Joyce got a bunch of us started on it (it's like Scrabble) and it is SO addicting. When you get your phone (eep!) we should play!! :)
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