Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Teaser Tuesday


And they smell even better than they look. ♥

Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Ringing in the New Year

At dinner Sunday night, I realized with several friends that none of us had made New Years plans since we all had kiddos. Why not celebrate together? Two couples and their kids came over, and everyone but the newborn made it to midnight - even Liv. Then she mercifully slept in the next day.

Full set of photos here.

New Years 2013

New Years 2013

New Years 2013

New Years 2013

New Years 2013

New Years 2013

New Years 2013

New Years 2013

Thursday, January 3, 2013

2012: In Review

A year in review in pictures ... because that's the best way!

Full review on Flickr (click here), but here's the highlight reel:

On January 7, we celebrated Liv's first birthday:
2012 Picture Review

Then we celebrated my birthday later in February:
2012 Picture Review 2012 Picture Review

A fresh face gave me a fresh perspective to make some tough decisions:
2012 Picture Review

The day we decided to get a divorce:
2012 Picture Review

Travis County Courthouse. Divorce finalized May 2, 2012.
2012 Picture Review

From there, things became bright and the world came to life around me. :-)
2012 Picture Review

2012 Picture Review

2012 Picture Review

Especially when Chris moved out, and we celebrated:
2012 Picture Review

By turning the living room into a giant play room:
2012 Picture Review

Olivia attended her second SXSW:
2012 Picture Review

We Easter Egg Hunted:
2012 Picture Review

We Kite Festivaled:
2012 Picture Review

We Summertimed like there were no more summer times:
2012 Picture Review

2012 Picture Review

2012 Picture Review

2012 Picture Review

2012 Picture Review

I finally finished my kitchen remodel!
2012 Picture Review

Bandit left us. :-(
2012 Picture Review

We beat the heat!
2012 Picture Review

We bonded with Kimber:
2012 Picture Review

Mommy went back to work full time:
2012 Picture Review

Liv got bangs. And just because she's so beautiful:
2012 Picture Review

We vacationed:
2012 Picture Review

Olivia started Mother's Day Out!
2012 Picture Review

We spent time with family:
2012 Picture Review

2012 Picture Review
(Thanksgiving - Jake and Em loving on Liv)

We celebrated Christmas:
2012 Picture Review

2012 Picture Review

2012 Picture Review

We danced in the New Year!!
2012 Picture Review


It's that time of year again. I'm pretty good about making resolutions I can keep. I'm not sure if that means I set the bar low, or I'm an achiever. Probably the former. ;-)

This year is a pretty specific list compared to last year. Last year I wanted to be more present in my time with Olivia. Mission accomplished. I feel like I actively enjoyed our time together, gave her one on one attention, and was aware of the moments I wanted to treasure. I'll do things backwards around here, and start with looking forward to 2013. Some goals I jotted down real quick:

1. Make some career path decisions and go back to school. Take at least 3 classes in 2013.
2. Potty train Olivia.
3. Exercise at least once a week.
4. Read at least six books.
5. To assist with number 4: Less social media, especially around Olivia.
6. Less screen time for Mommy and daughter.
7. Spend more time cultivating my friendships.
8. Finish the projects I have started around the house: Master bedroom, living room, and hallway are all ALMOST finished.
9. Start and finish remodeling the half bath and laundry room.
10. And because I need an even number: Finish the dental work I started earlier this year.

What I'm most nervous that I won't accomplish is number 10. I'm not very good at following through on some things. Things being dentist trips that usually involve Xanax. UGH.

I'm the most afraid to admit to number 1. I'm excited and scared! Mostly, I'm scared that I'll talk about it and not actually register or take any classes. I have a reoccurring dream about college: I start classes, then completely forget I'm enrolled in school. I remember at the end of the semester, but by then I'm so far behind it's like they're literally talking another language in the class. Sigh. Like I said, excited and scared.

Speaking of dreams, here's my daily Liv cuteness. She had to get a lot of beauty sleep leading up to her big 2nd birthday!

Sleeping Beauty

Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Yes, Another One

Speaking of cargo area for strollers ... I bought another car. I think I have a problem. Let's take a stroll down memory lane...

16 years old: Hand-me-down 2001 Dodge Intrepid. It was a lemon or something. It was fairly new with very low miles, yet I spent more time on the side of the road waiting for it to cool down than I did driving it. That and it was a SO NOT COOL, MOM! I wrecked the heck out of that thing in the short time I had it.


17 years old: First car! 1992 Honda Prelude. I put 40,000 miles on it in 9 months. Then someone else totalled it. Sad face.


18 years old: Brand new 2002 Chevy Camaro in "Arrest Me" red with t-tops (t-top, singular, ha)! Loooved this car. It had a lot of mechanical problems, but they were mostly all covered under warranty. I drove this car for 3 whole years! Partially because I loved it, and partially because even after putting $4k down and 0% interest, I was upside down for a long time. I have a lot of good memories with this car!


21 years old: 2004 Toyota Camry. Black on black - my true love. Alas, it was a disaster of a car and my newly adopted dog(s) didn't fit in the back seat.


21 years old: 2003 Honda Pilot. Loved, loved, loved. I also drove this car for 3 whole years. My ex husband made me trade it in because it had 150,000 miles on it. I literally cried.

25 years old: 2005 Infiniti FX35. AWESOME TO DRIVE. If you like to drive fast, Infiniti is your car. However, it got about 12 mpg, and was super small in the back seat, and was very bumpy ride for passengers. Having just had a newborn baby, I did the responsible thing and traded it in for a Mom car.


26 years old: 2008 Honda Accord. Snorefest. It only got 18mpg, and I hated not having an SUV. It was a long year and a half with this stupid car.


BOOM! Divorce means I need a new car, right? New me, new car? Whatevs, I love it. LOVE my new car. It's black on black leather (LOVE), it's a Pilot, and it has all the bells and whistles. I'm in love. Did I mention I LOVE my new car?! I'll live in an old house for 6+ years and love it, but I can't seem to keep a car for very long. I have a feeling this one is going to be a keeper!




About Me

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South Austin, Texas, United States
Consider yourself warned ... I'm "that" Mom.

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