Tuesday, November 6, 2012


Just some random pictures I found from our Staycation.

We have been making our own fruit and veggie juice at home. Olivia loves it!

Happy Election Day!

Friday, November 2, 2012


As much as I love having all of my photos here to look back on, Google is sick of it, and my storage is full. :-) I'm going to give Flickr a test run. You'll have to follow a link to see the photos, but then at least you can look at my eleventybillion photos if you want to, or not if you don't. Naturally, I'll stick you with one or two here. ;-)

The rest of our Staycation consisted of swimming, playing, swimming, and swimming. We hit up Hamilton Pool, Mansfield Dam Park, Guadelupe River State Park, and of course visted Grandmother in Kerrville.

Watch the slideshow here!


About Me

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South Austin, Texas, United States
Consider yourself warned ... I'm "that" Mom.

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