Thursday, September 29, 2011



The word every man doesn't know he's afraid of.

Seriously, I've never seen so many men be so uncomfortable. Just say "Breastpump" and they're either going to:
- Turn bright red and start stuttering
- Change the subject
- Make an awkward joke
- Act like nothing has been said at all

I think that pumping breast milk is going to leave me with some of my funniest memories. Yesterday, I pumped at the Chick Fil A drive through. I was covered up, but it was pretty obvious something was going on under there. I don't think I'll ever forget the look on that poor guy's face.

I clean the parts in the microwave at work. One time I walked into the kitchen and found a male coworker holding and staring into the bag. He dropped it like a hot potato when I came around the corner, mumbled something unrelated, and walked off just leaving his lunch sitting on the counter.

And because no post is complete without pictures, and just in case I can have another opportunity to make some guy uncomfortable:

Driving and Pumping! AC adaptors are glorious inventions! Yes, that's a moving car in the background. Yes, I was stopped at a red light. I would never text-takeapicture- and drive ;-) That would be dangerous, silly.

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Baby Videos

You'd think I'd have something else to talk about, sometime ... ever. But I don't. So here's more baby.

Monday, September 19, 2011

Pit Stop

Earlier in September, we had a girl's road trip to Kerrville to see my Grandmother. My sister Emily, my mother, Liv, and myself went down. We had SO much fun. I had so much fun, I forgot to take pictures at Grandma's.

However! We made a stop at the rest stop outside Lyndon B. Johnson State Park and took some photos of playing with Olivia.

Thursday, September 1, 2011

iPhone Updates

As you can see, we are now frantically baby-proofing.

 Olivia enjoys her blackberries.

Olivia went to her first kids' birthday party. She helped me wrap the present :-)

She's so damn cute!

Olivia's First Car

We had to lower the crib so that our little climber didn't climb herself right outta there.

Her buddies.

Okay, so this isn't the tooth, but it's proof that it's there.

She is very skilled at making messes.

My sleeping angel.

What's On Her Head?

Olivia has brachycephaly. In other words, she has a flat head from spending so much time on her back. This video explains it pretty well, with the only differences being she has brachycephaly instead of plagiocephaly (her flat spot is symmetrical, not lop sided) and she doesn't have stiff neck muscles.

Olivia's new head gear:

She's had it since Monday, August 22nd. We went for her first adjustment on Monday the 29th, and she already shows improvement! Her head grew 2mm, which accounts for the quick changes. When she took her bath last night, I was surprised at how much of a change I could see already! The squareness in the back has really softened up. I'm so proud of her :-)

Sorry for the crappy iPhone pics, BTW.

About Me

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South Austin, Texas, United States
Consider yourself warned ... I'm "that" Mom.

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