I've seen several people doing iPhone blog updates ... kind of like a week in review via pictures from their phones. I must be a horrible pictures taker, because I don't have enough pictures to do that weekly, but here's a recap from the last month or so?
Getting your feet in your mouth could be a full time job.
Olivia was rolling through the room and come up and instead of seeing the ceiling, saw the underside of the coffee table. That's 30 minutes of entertainment right there, folks.
I can't decide if rolling over regularly is a good thing or a bad thing. She sure loves it, but she wants to sleep on her side. Great, except that usually ends in her rolling onto her back and waking herself up. It sure is sweet looking, though :-)
Olivia celebrated her first Father's Day.
She looooves her new swing.
Dressing room fun (I clearly forgot to brush her hair that day ...).
She had so much fun trying on clothes, she wanted to go shopping again right away.
As of yesterday, she's in her big girl car seat. She outgrows the infant seat at 30", and I don't think she's quite there, but she's big enough it was getting a little silly. She took to the new seat right away.
These next two pictures obviously aren't from my iPhone, but worth sharing non the less! I finally got a new car! After three months of shopping I found a Honda Accord. My payment went down over $100 a month. In fact, it's the cheapest car payment I've had since I was 16. That alone is awesome, but better yet ... the Accord will get 23ish mpg. That beats the heck out of the FX's 12 mpg!
(And it has the all important sun roof ;-)
Monday, June 27, 2011
Friday, June 17, 2011
The Nursery
When I first told people I was pregnant, we had some friends tell us, "I hope you're prepared ... our child's nursery cost us over $5000."
Olivia, I love you, but you do not get a $5k nursery! I set off to do it as inexpensively as I could manage and I think we did a great job!
The curtains were my only real splurge. $50 for the set from Target ... but they were so perfect! I had planned on making something very similar, but these just had to be the ones. Faux silk and pink. I was in love!
The crib was new for safety reasons. $114.
The rug was “stain resistant” from Garden Ridge - $100.
The butterfly mobile above her bed was a gift from her boss.
The “Olivia” art was $12 from TJMaxx.
The Lamb blanket over the end of the crib was $3 from Mamacents.
The Sleep Sheep white noise machine was a gift from a friend.
The white picture frames were from Wal-Mart for $12 total.
The bookshelves were from a garage sale for $10. They’re real wood and I have 4 more that I haven’t’ hung yet.
Crystals and candle holders were from our wedding.
The books on the shelves were from garage sales, and we didn’t pay more than 25 cents each for them.
The purple and white bunny was a gift from her Aunt Emily for Easter.
The photo of the mother and child statue was a gift from my cousin Wendy,
Noah’s Ark was $3, also from Mamacents.
The dresser and mirror were my Craigslist steals! $50 for the dresser, mirror, and hutch (the hutch is in the closet).
The lamp was $5 from Goodwill.
Lamb letters were $8 from Hobby Lobby.
The changing table … FREE off of Craigslist.
The changing pad and cover were gifts.
The all pink baskets were $9 from Garden Ridge.
The patterned baskets were gifts.
The wipes warmer was a gift.
The stuffed lamb was $8 from Babies R Us.
The stool we bought years ago.
The sign above the window was $5 from Hobby Lobby.
Plus about $20 in paint.
The crib mattress was $50.
The sheets were gifts.
The curtain rod I already had.
The dust ruffle was a curtain we bought at a garage sale for $1 and my mother made into a skirt.
The blanket on the crib was from a garage sale for 50 cents.
The glider was $30 from Craigslist.
The fabric and accessories to recover the glider was $70.
That is a GRAND TOTAL* of $561.50! Am I cheap? Maybe. I just couldn’t see spending $1000 (or $5000, eek!) on a room that’s she’s probably going to tell me she hates in a few years. I think it turned out wonderfully and we love it.
*We did replace the floors in here before we decorated. I'm not counting the $300 that cost beacuse I would have done that anyways and consider it part of our home renovations.
Olivia, I love you, but you do not get a $5k nursery! I set off to do it as inexpensively as I could manage and I think we did a great job!
The curtains were my only real splurge. $50 for the set from Target ... but they were so perfect! I had planned on making something very similar, but these just had to be the ones. Faux silk and pink. I was in love!
The crib was new for safety reasons. $114.
The rug was “stain resistant” from Garden Ridge - $100.
The butterfly mobile above her bed was a gift from her boss.
The “Olivia” art was $12 from TJMaxx.
The Lamb blanket over the end of the crib was $3 from Mamacents.
The Sleep Sheep white noise machine was a gift from a friend.
The white picture frames were from Wal-Mart for $12 total.
The bookshelves were from a garage sale for $10. They’re real wood and I have 4 more that I haven’t’ hung yet.
Crystals and candle holders were from our wedding.
The books on the shelves were from garage sales, and we didn’t pay more than 25 cents each for them.
The purple and white bunny was a gift from her Aunt Emily for Easter.
The photo of the mother and child statue was a gift from my cousin Wendy,
Noah’s Ark was $3, also from Mamacents.
The dresser and mirror were my Craigslist steals! $50 for the dresser, mirror, and hutch (the hutch is in the closet).
The lamp was $5 from Goodwill.
Lamb letters were $8 from Hobby Lobby.
The changing table … FREE off of Craigslist.
The changing pad and cover were gifts.
The all pink baskets were $9 from Garden Ridge.
The patterned baskets were gifts.
The wipes warmer was a gift.
The stuffed lamb was $8 from Babies R Us.
The stool we bought years ago.
The sign above the window was $5 from Hobby Lobby.
Plus about $20 in paint.
The crib mattress was $50.
The sheets were gifts.
The curtain rod I already had.
The dust ruffle was a curtain we bought at a garage sale for $1 and my mother made into a skirt.
The blanket on the crib was from a garage sale for 50 cents.
The glider was $30 from Craigslist.
The fabric and accessories to recover the glider was $70.
That is a GRAND TOTAL* of $561.50! Am I cheap? Maybe. I just couldn’t see spending $1000 (or $5000, eek!) on a room that’s she’s probably going to tell me she hates in a few years. I think it turned out wonderfully and we love it.
*We did replace the floors in here before we decorated. I'm not counting the $300 that cost beacuse I would have done that anyways and consider it part of our home renovations.
Wednesday, June 15, 2011
Non Olivia Video Demonstration
Play a little:
And get a little:
I've been singing "Shake Senora!" for the past two days because Olivia just cracks up every time. This morning I decided to play the video during tummy time to encourage her to stay there a little bit longer. (Note: I did not know there were so many nekkid lady be-hinds in the video before I played it. I'm sure she won't remember!)
She loved it and was reaching for the phone. I think she was attempting to roll over, and got her back leg up under her, which propelled her body forward (see 25 seconds into the second video, that's exactly what it looked like). THEN she proceeded to do it two more times and reach the phone! Oooh baby was she pleased with herself! Who knows if she'll do it again, but she army crawled this morning! We did some Shake Senoraing around the living room and called Daddy to brag.
And get a little:
I've been singing "Shake Senora!" for the past two days because Olivia just cracks up every time. This morning I decided to play the video during tummy time to encourage her to stay there a little bit longer. (Note: I did not know there were so many nekkid lady be-hinds in the video before I played it. I'm sure she won't remember!)
She loved it and was reaching for the phone. I think she was attempting to roll over, and got her back leg up under her, which propelled her body forward (see 25 seconds into the second video, that's exactly what it looked like). THEN she proceeded to do it two more times and reach the phone! Oooh baby was she pleased with herself! Who knows if she'll do it again, but she army crawled this morning! We did some Shake Senoraing around the living room and called Daddy to brag.
Thursday, June 9, 2011
Out N About
Unplugged at the Grove has been fun this year - Olivia gets so excited listening to the music. I swear, she's dancing sometimes.
I love how retro this photo looks! She's in her 70's onesie on her Mommy's baby blanket - just hanging out with cousin Quinn, her biggest canine fan.
Daddy and Olivia with Parker and his Daddy.
I love how retro this photo looks! She's in her 70's onesie on her Mommy's baby blanket - just hanging out with cousin Quinn, her biggest canine fan.
Daddy and Olivia with Parker and his Daddy.
Food Stories
So far, June has mostly been about food. We are waiting until 6 months to really give her solids, but we've been sort of doing Baby Led Weaning for a week or so now. She has the outward signs of being ready - sitting up unassisted, very interested in our food, and no tongue thrust reflex. Since she's not really swallowing much yet, I don't think it's hurting her stomach. She's certainly found it to be one of the more exciting things in life!
Bananas turning her into a monkey? Check out her toes holding onto the plate.
Watermelon - approved!
Apple is so far her favorite.
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About Me

- Sara Louise
- South Austin, Texas, United States
- Consider yourself warned ... I'm "that" Mom.