Tuesday, December 29, 2009
Ten Things Tuesday
2. We had a fabulous Chritsmas weekend! So much so that I took over 500 hundred pictures in 2 days. I guess I have some sorting to do ...
3. I went to The Broken Spoke for the first time on Saturday! How I've lived in South Austin so long and never been, I don't know. It was exactly like I imagined it.
4. I went back to the gym today! Woo!
5. I am really, really, really ready for 2010.
6. I wear my sunglasses at night, so I can, so I can ...
7. Ten Things Fail.
Friday, December 18, 2009
Half n Half Hair

Tuesday, December 8, 2009
Ten Things Tuesday?
1. I was thrilled to see sunshine on my lunch break!
2. When did I quit wearing makeup? I'm long past being embarrassed to go ... anywhere ... without makeup. Now I only put it on for special occasions.
3. I have watched the video of Bandit in the "snow" about 375 times today. I literally smile the whole time, every time. I just love that dog!
4. Chris told me, out of the blue, last week that he thought I was doing a "good job" on my fingernails and that they always looked nice. And I really, really, really loved that compliment.
5. It is very hard to Facebook stalk someone when you don't know their last name.
6. I am apparently very cheap. I need boots for this winter but can't bring myself to spend $100 + on ankle booties.
7. Speaking of money I don't want to spend - my blow dryer finally and officially died this morning. No air passing through except in smoke form is probably a bad thing. Buying a blow dryer is very far down my list of things I like to shop for :-(
8. Chris has convinced me to keep my car. I'm starting to like it a little bit more every day.
9. My parents have lived in their house for 16 years. It's going on the market any day now. I have so far succeeded in not crying over this yet, but that is not going to last much longer.
10. I wish Christmas tree scent came in a bottle (and actually smelled like a fresh Christmas tree) that I could spray on my fake tree. Yes, I cheat in ways like that.
Thursday, November 12, 2009
Count Your Blessings
Just for Me # 11 - Spend 5 days counting blessings instead of worries.
Yesterday was probably a cheat day since I was feeling very blessed - but I definitely spent the day counting them all up! There have been so many bad things happening this year to my family and friends. It's been a long hard year that I'm ready to put behind me.
However, I spent this Thursday feeling fortunate for the good that there is in my life.
November 12 was my official 5 year anniversary at my company. What a job it is! I love the company I work for, my job doesn't cause me any undue stress, I like my coworkers, it pays the bills. What more could I ask for? I felt very appreciated that day, as well as had an exciting day with some great news on a new product. I am very blessed with my job.
I thought about how blessed I was to have Chris to come home to. He rented a movie, I picked up takeout ... perfect night in on the sofa. We even got free queso from Texadelphia!
I stopped by Newflower and got to see my sister! I'm so happy she has a job that she loves, too. Oh and she got me a 20% discount on candy - what a blessing, hehe!
It was a happy, peaceful day in my life and I really took the time to appreciate it this November 12, 2009.
Wednesday, October 14, 2009
Wednesday, September 30, 2009
I didn't know there was an intelligence requirement for being a cart gatherer at HEB. However, I'd say that this guy is likely not a good candidate for the job: He was pulling the stack of carts from the front, instead of pushing them from the back. He'd get 4 feet and look back to realize the baskets were sliding out of place and drifting in the parking lot. He'd go put them back in the stack, go back to the front of the baskets, and start pulling again. Repeat. This went on several times, all while he's blocking the lane and multiple cars are in line trying to get by. He never did figure it out ... he waved down another employee to help him.
Who on earth abbreviates the word "please" with "psss" ?? Seriously? I'm a terrible speller, but even I can tell you that makes no sense for multiple reasons. Maybe if you took the time to pay attention to things like that, you wouldn't be working that dead end job. Yes, this person shall remain anonymous.
ETA: I just did a spell check on this blog and the only word it found that wasn't a word was "psss." I'm very pleased with myself :-)
Tuesday, July 28, 2009
I made roast beef ... for the dogs.
I made the babies a pot roast for Bandit's birthday. He loved it.
Then I tried to make him wear a birthday hat. He didn't love it.

That last one is from Christmas 2 years ago. About 2 seconds after that picture, she snatched up the reindeer ears and ran upstairs. To this day, I have no idea what happened to them.
Happy birthday, Bandit! You're the most beautiful boy in the world, and your Mommy loves you very much.
Thursday, July 2, 2009
You Know You're Married When ...
**Ring Ring**
Wife: Hello?
Husband: Good morning, what are you doing?
Wife: Flossing
Husband: Cool. So listen, I'm going to be home around ...
Sheesh. Not even a, "Oh I'm not important enough to stop flossing for?" or nothin!

Wednesday, June 10, 2009
Tuesday, May 26, 2009
Life As I Know It...
Thursday, May 21, 2009
Just for Fun
Wednesday, May 13, 2009
Updates, Schmupdates
Family, Friends & Pets #3: Find Chris a dentist. CHECK! We found him a wonderful dentist that he actually likes. Dr Candy Rodriguez has been wonderful and we are finally getting the daunting task of "fixing" Chris's teeth behind us.
Also, Health #2 is about me finding and going to a new dentist - I'll be seeing her as well! So that step is half way done, right?!

(This picture above just describes Bandit's personality so well!)

I think that's the "leave me alone, I'm sleeping and that flash is annoying" face.
On to Kimber! Enjoying her nightlight "Checkup"
Tuesday, April 21, 2009
...which has been taking over my bedroom and causing me nightmares for over 6 years.

However, this corner still looks weird. The dog bed can go (Bandit sleeps in the closet and Kimber sleeps on her back leaned up against my side of the bed). I'm also thinking that is too much curtain. I'm going to take it back to just one panel, since there is a parallel window on the other side of the room - they'd still open "correctly" (i.e. aways from each other). I know I need some kind of art work for the walls. I found this picture in a closet:
But then I realized this picture was on the adjoining wall:

(For the record, that is a queen sized bed, we don't sleep on a twin like it looks. That is just a really big picture and 2 really big dogs!) Anywho, those pictures are too much alike and the first one is much smaller and gots to go. I can't decide if I should move the lamp to the corner where the dog bed is, or if I should put a plant there. And what on earth am I going to put on the wall above the TV?! Decisions, decisions.
I do know for sure that the small, matching TV stand is a huge improvement over the big-black Walmart (that he swears he bought at Sears) monstrosity!
Friday, April 10, 2009
My First Ma'am
Somehow I got talked into going to Midnight Rodeo (a mistake I won't make again), and as usual it was filled with people just a few years younger than me ;-) This kid bumped into me, as happens in crowded bars, and turned around to say, "I'm so sorry, Ma'am - are you okay?"
:::I will not cry - Sara, be nice, he doesn't have a clue what he just did and is just trying to be polite::: "Yes thank you, I'm fine" ... walk away, burst into tears.
Last weekend we went to Prauge. The door guy spent much time examining the girls' IDs in front of us and seriously didn't even look at mine - just waved me by like, "Oh you are an old hag, I don't need to see that." Then a kid calls me Ma'am?!?!?!?!
Back to my normally scheduled anti-wrinkle-cream-applications.
One way out is all you're ever gonna get
From those who'll hand it out don't never let it upset you
Cos they'll put words into our mouths they're making us feel so ashamed
Making us take the blame
Making us cold in the night
Making us question my heart and soul
And I think that it's not quite right
Hey! stay young and invincible
Cos we know just what we are
And come what may we're unstoppable
Cos we know just what we are
Feed your head with all the things you need
When you're hungry
Stay in bed and sleep all day as long as it's Sunday
Cos they'll put words into your mouth they're making you feel so ashamed
Wednesday, April 1, 2009
Bandit as a Puppy!
Emily and Skeeter ("her" cat):

So today I got the most wonderful surprise email! No April Fool's, I received an email of Bandit as a puppy! We adopted him at 2 1/2 years old and I never expected to see a picture like this. It was such wonderful timing, it really made me feel so good and made my whole day (week? year? life?) a little bit brighter! A woman who adopted two of Bandit's littermates sent it to me out of the blue, and I'm just beyond giddy about this!
Bandit as a puppy:

His whole litter:
Thursday, March 26, 2009
Random Pictures
With my nephew, Beck, in Dallas. I was 17, and my sister called this my pineapple hair. It was always in a pony tail on top of my head with the hair sticking out like the top of a pineapple:

Tuesday, March 24, 2009
Tuesday, March 17, 2009
Happy St. Patrick's Day?!
- I must have plugged something in wrong, because when I took my MP3 player off the charger this morning, it was completely dead.
- The first 3 machines I tried at the gym had something broken on them. I hate 24 Hour Fitness!
- I broke a nail on a drawer in my bathroom this morning.
- I burned my head with my flat iron.
- It took me 57 minutes to drive 8 miles to work this morning because the light at 360 and Mopac was closed down to 1 lane.
- I found a new wrinkle between my eyebrows. It is by far the ugliest and has me seriously considering Botox, something that has never crossed my mind before.
- I left my ID in Chris's wallet, which is in West Texas.
- Chris is in West Texas with his wallet. This has me depressed and not feeling like even attempting to go out.
- I am swamped at work, and all while knowing my boss is not here working. He's at Fado's enjoying green beer.
Bite me.
P.S. What is it with me and grumpy St. Patrick's Day? My MySpace blog from last year I was bitching, too!
Monday, March 16, 2009
Bathroom Remodel, FF&P #20

And the after pictures!

About Me

- Sara Louise
- South Austin, Texas, United States
- Consider yourself warned ... I'm "that" Mom.