I was so frustrated by this, and I really feel for the woman in the story! Can you imagine having an undiagnosed, untreatable disease and not being able to do anything about it? Then only to have doctors tell you that your a hurting and scratching yourself and pulling out your own hair when you KNOW you are not?! Why can't doctors just accept that they don't know everything and that just maybe there might be a disease or two out there that they don't know about? Stop over diagnosing ADD or over prescriping antibiotics and humble yourself a little! Be willing to learn something!
:::Stepping off my soap box. I have no idea why this got me so riled up!:::
Tuesday, September 16, 2008
Wednesday, September 3, 2008
Living With Men
When you live alone, you day dream about what life will be like when you have a husband. Someone always there to help you with the hard stuff, someone always there to talk to, someone to help out with the choors, someone to cuddle with at night.

Ha Ha Ha!
You've settled in to take a hot, rose scented bath, listen to relaxing music and drink a glass of wine. Then you remember you are now married. You realize this bath is lukewarm (because your husband has to wash every load of laundry with HOT water), you are listening to Big Daddy play in the background for the 58th time this month, you are shouting to your husband where he can find the beer he hid last night and smelling his left over chicken wings.
Ain't life grand.

Tuesday, September 2, 2008
Here are the rules:
1. Link back to the person who tagged you:
2. Mention the rules on your blog
3. Tell 6 unspectacular quirks of yours
4. Tag 6 fellow bloggers by linking to them (aaand I'm too lazy to tag. Everyone play!)
5. Leave a comment for each tagged blogger to let them know that they have been tagged
6 Quirks about me:
1. A total theft of Joyco's .... I can't put syrup on my pancakes because it makes them soggy! Oh I eat the syrup alright! I just have to have a seperate dish, like a cute little bowl. I have 3 bowls at home specifically for pancake syrup. I cut the pancake and dip the bite into the syrup when I'm ready to eat it. No double dipping, even on my own plate on this one because then there are pieces of soggy yucky pancake in my syrup bowl.
2. Another food one, I am lactose intolerant and cheese if my favorite food. As long as I eat it in moderation, I only get terribly, terribly nauseous. I can handle a little nasea for some good cheese!
3. I talk to myself. I think more than other people talk to themself. My boss told me it was okay as long as one day my dogs don't start talking back to me ;-) But really, I'll find myself sitting in traffic just talking away. Or while walking through a parking lot. You know, places I'm alone ... but not.
4. I sleep almost in a fetal position, with my legs curled up almost all the way to my chest. Sometimes I'll sleep on my stomach with just one leg curled up, but mostly with both. I just realized this last week when the back of my legs were sore and I couldn't stretch them up there. I didn't get much sleep!
5. I'm kind of OCD about my hair being clean. I cry and get stressed out and can't leave the house or get anything done if my hair is dirty, to a point where I feel out of control of it. I don't use hair products because I'm afraid they will make my hair feel dirty. I shampoo my hair twice in almost every shower.
6. I snort accidently when I laugh. In fact, if I'm laughing relatively hard and I don't snort, I'm probably faking the laugh.
1. Link back to the person who tagged you:
2. Mention the rules on your blog
3. Tell 6 unspectacular quirks of yours
4. Tag 6 fellow bloggers by linking to them (aaand I'm too lazy to tag. Everyone play!)
5. Leave a comment for each tagged blogger to let them know that they have been tagged
6 Quirks about me:
1. A total theft of Joyco's .... I can't put syrup on my pancakes because it makes them soggy! Oh I eat the syrup alright! I just have to have a seperate dish, like a cute little bowl. I have 3 bowls at home specifically for pancake syrup. I cut the pancake and dip the bite into the syrup when I'm ready to eat it. No double dipping, even on my own plate on this one because then there are pieces of soggy yucky pancake in my syrup bowl.
2. Another food one, I am lactose intolerant and cheese if my favorite food. As long as I eat it in moderation, I only get terribly, terribly nauseous. I can handle a little nasea for some good cheese!
3. I talk to myself. I think more than other people talk to themself. My boss told me it was okay as long as one day my dogs don't start talking back to me ;-) But really, I'll find myself sitting in traffic just talking away. Or while walking through a parking lot. You know, places I'm alone ... but not.
4. I sleep almost in a fetal position, with my legs curled up almost all the way to my chest. Sometimes I'll sleep on my stomach with just one leg curled up, but mostly with both. I just realized this last week when the back of my legs were sore and I couldn't stretch them up there. I didn't get much sleep!
5. I'm kind of OCD about my hair being clean. I cry and get stressed out and can't leave the house or get anything done if my hair is dirty, to a point where I feel out of control of it. I don't use hair products because I'm afraid they will make my hair feel dirty. I shampoo my hair twice in almost every shower.
6. I snort accidently when I laugh. In fact, if I'm laughing relatively hard and I don't snort, I'm probably faking the laugh.
House and Just for Me
House # 23: Hang the blinds for the front windows (you know, the ones we've had for a year).
... Well Chris was home and feeling productive! Not only did he hand the blinds, he changed out the something-or-another on the kitchen sink and a whole other slew of things. Did I already blog about this? Either way, my husband rocks :-)
Just for Me # 18: Buy a briefcase or something to bring everything to work in. I got this cutest black bag! It's actually a laptop bag/purse and it works perfectly! I can put all my file folders in there, my makeup, my giant wallet (which I HAVE to get a picture of!) and my lunch. I was watching The Closer (looove that show!) and "Brenda Lee Johnson" played by Kyra Sedgewick totally has one just like it. Hehe I love it!
... Well Chris was home and feeling productive! Not only did he hand the blinds, he changed out the something-or-another on the kitchen sink and a whole other slew of things. Did I already blog about this? Either way, my husband rocks :-)
Just for Me # 18: Buy a briefcase or something to bring everything to work in. I got this cutest black bag! It's actually a laptop bag/purse and it works perfectly! I can put all my file folders in there, my makeup, my giant wallet (which I HAVE to get a picture of!) and my lunch. I was watching The Closer (looove that show!) and "Brenda Lee Johnson" played by Kyra Sedgewick totally has one just like it. Hehe I love it!
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About Me

- Sara Louise
- South Austin, Texas, United States
- Consider yourself warned ... I'm "that" Mom.