Financial # 5: Pay Dad back the money I borrowed. FYI: This is a TMI post!
I had borrowed some money from my dad, which I HATE doing. I've never had to borrow money for anything. When we got married, it was because we were doing so well financially. Then the bill from the lawyer (re: kitchen cabinets) came, then Chris had unexpected bills from his mother (Re: UGH!), then Kimber got hurt, then my car broke down TWICE. Needless to say, we used our emergency fund AND still had to borrow money from my dad.
Well, I paid back 75% of that and my mom said they'd forgive the rest if I'd put it towards the credit card debt we had wracked up. So $1200 from the IRS went straight to credit cards and we paid off Sears, Exxon, Express, and my Capitol One - LOL you know, the frivialous ones from when we were younger and didn't understand how stupid debt was ;-)
So YET another one I'm begrudengly crossing off, although I didn't really complete it. While it feels great to be getting out of debt, I still hate and am entirely emberassed that we had to borrow money from my parents.
Never fear, we are back in the clear with the mula situation! Not that any of this was any of ya'lls business, but you know me - I'll talk about anything.
Monday, June 23, 2008
House # 3/I have an amazing husband!
House # 3: Bring both filing cabinets out of the closet, into the office where they can be used easily.
This weekend I proceded to do nothing. Okay, well I made breakfast, lunch, and dinner and did the dishes from those. Aside from doing dishes, though, I love cooking so this doesn't count as a choor.
My husband, though, had a rockin' weekend! Chris managed to do ALL of his laundry (and if you've been over, you know what an acomplishment that is) and hang all of his clothes. Yes, ladies and gentleman - he unpacked after 2 years of living in our house! He even cleaned out his closet and organized it, filled two boxes of garage sale stuff, filled the dumpster with stuff he's throwing away, and cleaned the office! He only complained a little bit about me doing nothing but reading 2 whole books this weekend ;-)
On top of all that, he brought to the bed a stack of papers and went through them for me! So, by the end of the week, I should have a years worth of paperwork sorted and filed.
So, another thing crossed off my list that I didn't actually do. Chris took the filing cabinet out of his closet and setup the office. All I have to do is decorate the two spare rooms now!
How did I get so lucky?

(Like how my favorite picture of him he's wearing an alcohol related t-shirt, has dog between his legs and has probably been drinking? This was 3+ years ago. Nothing's changed)
This weekend I proceded to do nothing. Okay, well I made breakfast, lunch, and dinner and did the dishes from those. Aside from doing dishes, though, I love cooking so this doesn't count as a choor.
My husband, though, had a rockin' weekend! Chris managed to do ALL of his laundry (and if you've been over, you know what an acomplishment that is) and hang all of his clothes. Yes, ladies and gentleman - he unpacked after 2 years of living in our house! He even cleaned out his closet and organized it, filled two boxes of garage sale stuff, filled the dumpster with stuff he's throwing away, and cleaned the office! He only complained a little bit about me doing nothing but reading 2 whole books this weekend ;-)
On top of all that, he brought to the bed a stack of papers and went through them for me! So, by the end of the week, I should have a years worth of paperwork sorted and filed.
So, another thing crossed off my list that I didn't actually do. Chris took the filing cabinet out of his closet and setup the office. All I have to do is decorate the two spare rooms now!
How did I get so lucky?

(Like how my favorite picture of him he's wearing an alcohol related t-shirt, has dog between his legs and has probably been drinking? This was 3+ years ago. Nothing's changed)
Monday, June 16, 2008
6 Word Memoir
My friend Joyce tagged me! Here's the game:
The meme originated over an idea that was prompted by the book written by Larry Smith & Rachel Fershleiser, Not Quite What I Was Planning: Six Word Memoirs by Writers Famous & Obscure. It’s a compilation based on the story that Hemingway once bet ten dollars that he could sum up his life in six words. His words were, “For Sale: Baby Shoes, Never Worn.”
1. Write your own six word memoir.
2. Post it to your blog including a visual illustration if you would like.
3. Link to the person who tagged you in your post and to this original post if possible so we can track it as it travels across the blogsphere
4. Tag 5 more blogs with links
5. Don’t forget to leave a comment in the tagged blogs with an invitation to play.
I know these are supposed to be original words, but the first thing I thought of is actually a quote by someone I consider to be one of the most quotable women of all time, Elaenor Roosevelt: "Life was meant to be lived." I know that doesn't count, but I thought it was worthy of being noted in here since it immidiately came to my mind!
Now thinking of my own will be a little harder ... (saving draft now)
... I'm back. The first thing I came up with is:
"I'm okay with it being hard." First of all, I don't like this one because I was an English major and if the 18 year old me saw the future me typing with contractions, I probably would have disowned myself. AND I think this needs to be explained a little. "It" is life ... and I'm okay with life being hard, because I knew it would me. Mother always warned me, and so I think I'm pretty good at accepting that it will be hard, it will be a lot of work, it won't always be worth it, but you gotta do it ... because sometimes, it's really, really worth it.
So (I warned Joyce that I was not a woman of few words) ... here comes what I finally decided on:

The meme originated over an idea that was prompted by the book written by Larry Smith & Rachel Fershleiser, Not Quite What I Was Planning: Six Word Memoirs by Writers Famous & Obscure. It’s a compilation based on the story that Hemingway once bet ten dollars that he could sum up his life in six words. His words were, “For Sale: Baby Shoes, Never Worn.”
1. Write your own six word memoir.
2. Post it to your blog including a visual illustration if you would like.
3. Link to the person who tagged you in your post and to this original post if possible so we can track it as it travels across the blogsphere
4. Tag 5 more blogs with links
5. Don’t forget to leave a comment in the tagged blogs with an invitation to play.
I know these are supposed to be original words, but the first thing I thought of is actually a quote by someone I consider to be one of the most quotable women of all time, Elaenor Roosevelt: "Life was meant to be lived." I know that doesn't count, but I thought it was worthy of being noted in here since it immidiately came to my mind!
Now thinking of my own will be a little harder ... (saving draft now)
... I'm back. The first thing I came up with is:
"I'm okay with it being hard." First of all, I don't like this one because I was an English major and if the 18 year old me saw the future me typing with contractions, I probably would have disowned myself. AND I think this needs to be explained a little. "It" is life ... and I'm okay with life being hard, because I knew it would me. Mother always warned me, and so I think I'm pretty good at accepting that it will be hard, it will be a lot of work, it won't always be worth it, but you gotta do it ... because sometimes, it's really, really worth it.
So (I warned Joyce that I was not a woman of few words) ... here comes what I finally decided on:
Patiently accepting that everything is okay.

Tuesday, June 3, 2008
ABC's of Me!
I've been tagged! ( Thanks to the blog ladies and MrsMillerTime for making my Tuesday a little more entertaining!
A - Attached or Single: Attached
B - Best Friend(s): Chris (DH) and Marci and my Mom and Kat
C - Cake or Pie: Pie! Keylime Pie anyone? LOL
D - Day of Choice: Any day that's a good day!
E - Essential Item: Cell phone
F - Favorite Color(s): Black
G - Gummy Bears or Worms: Bears - they look funnier when you stick them together.
H - Hometown: Austin since I was 5.
I - Indulgence(s): Haha ... wine.
J - January or July: January ;-)
K - Kids: None yet. Can we make that singular?
L - Life is incomplete without: Family
M - Marriage Date: January 25, 2008
N - Number of Siblings: 2 - Emily is 20 and Jake is 18.
O - Oranges or Apples: Oranges
P- Phobias or Fears: Drowning, that I'll be a bad mother someday.
Q - Quote: Even if there is nothing to laugh about, laugh on credit.
R- Ring size: 5
S - Season: Spring
T- Tag 3 Friends: Hmm!
U - Unknown fact about me: I try to love all animals, but cats gross me out :-(
V - Very favorite stores: SteinMart, Target, HEB
W - Worst Habit: biting my nails.
X-ray or Ultrasound: Ultrasound sounds happy.
Y - Your Favorite Food(s): Cheeeeeeese. Queso, Jalepeno Jack, well ...ok all cheese
Z - Zodiac: Pisces
A - Attached or Single: Attached
B - Best Friend(s): Chris (DH) and Marci and my Mom and Kat
C - Cake or Pie: Pie! Keylime Pie anyone? LOL
D - Day of Choice: Any day that's a good day!
E - Essential Item: Cell phone
F - Favorite Color(s): Black
G - Gummy Bears or Worms: Bears - they look funnier when you stick them together.
H - Hometown: Austin since I was 5.
I - Indulgence(s): Haha ... wine.
J - January or July: January ;-)
K - Kids: None yet. Can we make that singular?
L - Life is incomplete without: Family
M - Marriage Date: January 25, 2008
N - Number of Siblings: 2 - Emily is 20 and Jake is 18.
O - Oranges or Apples: Oranges
P- Phobias or Fears: Drowning, that I'll be a bad mother someday.
Q - Quote: Even if there is nothing to laugh about, laugh on credit.
R- Ring size: 5
S - Season: Spring
T- Tag 3 Friends: Hmm!
U - Unknown fact about me: I try to love all animals, but cats gross me out :-(
V - Very favorite stores: SteinMart, Target, HEB
W - Worst Habit: biting my nails.
X-ray or Ultrasound: Ultrasound sounds happy.
Y - Your Favorite Food(s): Cheeeeeeese. Queso, Jalepeno Jack, well ...ok all cheese
Z - Zodiac: Pisces
Monday, June 2, 2008
Health # 1
Well I didn't make it to Thursday night's Yoga class (thanks a lot, Pace. Haha). I did however do an hour of yoga by myself at home on Friday! I wasn't going to count it until I realized Saturday I was sore! That had better count for something!
I also joined Sparkpeople. So far, this counting calories has stopped me from eating breakfast twice this morning. So far ... so good :-)
I also joined Sparkpeople. So far, this counting calories has stopped me from eating breakfast twice this morning. So far ... so good :-)
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About Me

- Sara Louise
- South Austin, Texas, United States
- Consider yourself warned ... I'm "that" Mom.